
What I've Fought For and Delivered

Cutting Costs

  • Helped reduce $1 million from the mayor's proposed budget, which initially had a $3 million deficit.

Exploring Health Insurance Savings

  • Arranged meetings and discussions on exploring a transition to self-insurance and worked with the Labor Management Committee to consider alternative options for reducing long-term healthcare costs.

Strategic Planning

  • Introduced a resolution to begin the Comprehensive Plan process, securing $150,000 Department of State grant to establish community-based goals and align spending with strategic priorities.

Updated Zoning

  • Set the city up to begin updating its zoning code, removing outdated or unnecessary barriers to development while encouraging appropriate growth that aligns with the goals in the Comprehensive Plan and benefits the city financially.

Proactive Fiscal Planning

  • Advocated for using the fund balance strategically to address known expenses like debt management, health insurance reserves, park maintenance, vehicle replacements, and repairs, ensuring long-term fiscal responsibility through proactive planning.

Ongoing Budget Discussions

  • Pushed for more than just end-of-year   discussions, advocating for ongoing, holistic budget conversations   throughout the year and the formation of a finance committee. Raised   concerns about relying solely on one-year snapshots, emphasizing that   temporary factors—such as mild winters, staffing vacancies, sales tax   increases, inflation, and ARPA funds—can obscure the true picture of our   fiscal health. Highlighted the need for long-term, multi-year planning to   fully understand our budget in the context of past, present, and future   trends.

Better Investments

  • Brought in outside experts to review and improve how   the city manages its funds, with no cost to the city unless realized   savings more than cover consultation costs.

Ensuring Proper Use of Public Funds

  • Raised concerns to ensure public funds   are never used in ways that could personally benefit officials or create   conflicts of interest.

Voluntary PILOTs and SILOTs

  • Advocated for conversations with our largest   tax-exempt entities to explore solutions such as voluntary, not mandatory,   PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) agreements or SILOT (Services in Lieu of   Taxes) arrangements, as seen in cities like Albany, Boston, and Providence,   while also pushing for real data on tax-exempt properties to promote   fairness.

Opposing Risky Ventures

  • Asked for concrete business plans for city-  operated Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) components and advocated   for private partnerships instead of city ownership and operation of   ventures. Emphasized the importance of learning from past decisions that   led to fiscal distress, such as owning and operating public buildings, to   avoid repeating mistakes and ensure fiscal stability.

Fighting Government Expansion

  • Opposed adding unnecessary positions and   instead fought for ways to consolidate or realign roles to be more   efficient while saving money.

Accomplishments on the Common Council

first term accomplishments

Citywide Initiatives and Accomplishments

  • Oversaw the redesign of the City's website.
  • Implemented a notification system and established a social media presence for improved communication.
  • Created an online system for reporting concerns.
  • Modernized IT systems with managed services across departments.
  • Strengthened cybersecurity policies and procedures.

Environmental and Sustainability Efforts

  • Facilitated the City's designation as a 'Tree City' through the Arbor Day Foundation.
  • Hosted Arbor Day Tree Planting event.
  • Advocated for a tree inventory and management plan, currently being pursued by the City.
  • Contributed as a team member on sustainability projects and Climate Smart Initiatives.

Efficiency and Legislative Initiatives

  • Improved efficiency in Buildings and Codes by securing better software and equipment.
  • Oversaw the passage of vacant property legislation.

Public Safety and Police Reform

  • Worked on police reform initiatives, including addressing mental health concerns in police work.

Ward-Specific Accomplishments

  • Advocated for lighting Crandall Pond to allow for night skating.
  • Created the 'Fire and Ice' community event.
  • Advocated for paving, sidewalk, and water infrastructure projects in the 3rd Ward.

Constituent Engagement

  • Prioritized prompt and honest responses to constituent concerns.
  • Held quarterly 3rd Ward Forums with Supervisor Braymer for city updates and to hear community concerns.
  • Arranged for city department heads to attend forums for transparency and engagement.
  • Continued forums virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic.

second term accomplishments

Fiscal Responsibility and Oversight

  • Worked with staff to secure $400,000 in grants for tree planting despite challenges with the tree commission.
  • Advocated for fiscal responsibility by pushing for an earlier budget process and avoiding unneccessary spending.
  • Fought for more fiduciary oversight and responsible planning for the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).
  • Worked to keep private property available for the private market by refusing to approve City purchase of prime downtown property.

Park and Community Initiatives

  • Set a goal to revitalize all city parks by securing ARPA funding for courts, bathrooms, fieldhouses, fields, and playgrounds.
  • Created the first 'Community Day' event featuring basketball, pickleball, face painting, and other activities.
  • Continued organizing the 'Fire and Ice' community event.
  • Advocated for a fully functional Tree Commission and worked to ensure proper care for newly planted City trees.

Policy and Planning

  • Successfully passed a resolution to secure grant funding for a new Comprehensive Plan and subsequent zoning updates.
  • Tackled issues related to short-term rentals by engaging the public and stakeholders.
  • Encouraged the City to look into developing an AI policy and consider best practices for efficiency and security.

Infrastructure and Ward-Specific Projects

  • Advocated for and supported 3rd Ward water infrastructure projects on Webster Avenue and areas around Sanford and Monroe Streets.
  • Ensured residents of Webster Avenue were informed and involved in decisions affecting their street.

Public Safety and Labor Initiatives

  • Proposed the beginning of a Police Social Worker program and connected her to the SUNY Plattsburgh social work program to bring in interns.
  • Served on the labor negotiation committee to reduce long-term healthcare costs and improve police recruitment and retention.
  • Worked with the Technology Committee to install cameras in parks and other places for safety purposes.

Constituent Engagement

  • Held multiple 3rd Ward community forums with Nancy Turner, County Supervisor.
  • Maintained regular communication with constituents and responded promptly to their concerns.

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Paid for by Friends of Diana Palmer